I suggest that you start in the middle of it all, you know, wherever you go, there you are. So start there, wherever that is.

Just start with a commitment to explore and play around with the core Gratitude protocols of our Starter Kit.

  • Morning Beditation: Four simple things to say to yourself before you get out of bed
  • Morning Mirror Work: Three or so things to say yourself, standing naked in front of your bathroom mirror.
  • Unity Wheel: 12 invocations to inscribe before you start your workday.
  • Daily Scorecard: Self-rating of doing your best for seven to 10 aims or daily habits
  • Snoozitation: One or two simple invocations to say to yourself before taking a short cat nap
  • Strollitation: One or two simple invocations to say as you take a walk around the block or trail hike.
  • Evening Journal of Gratitudes: Three or so things about which journal every night before turning in.

If you already do some or most of those things, and you’re called to explore deeper, then you might want to check out one of our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and hook up with an accountability partner or a local meetup circle of practice.

If still not sure where to start or just want to know more before jumping into this, then you might want to check out our growing curated collections of videos, podcasts, books, articles, or events at Gratitude.games.

Owners and Executives

However, you might be a business owner or senior leader in a company with an objective to improve the performance of your team or teams. 

Or you may have implemented one or more programs, gotten promising results, and now want more.

That is, you’re already in action. If so, schedule a 10-minute Zoom meeting and see if you and I have a good fit.

Once we get scheduled, I’ll send you the mini deck, Startup Cultures of Elite Performance, Thoughtful Feedback and Pervasive Gratitude. It outlines one of the few ways to operationalize Gratitude in the workplace. It will include these topics:

  • Culture as Strategy: How can you depict and explain the importance of high-performing teams to the mission, vision, and strategic objectives of every member of your firm?
  • Company as Product: How can you transform your company into an interactive business platform with your employees as primary users?
  • High-performing Teams as the New Normal: How can you level-up the performance of individuals and teams in small, progressive increments towards the long-term goal of becoming a team of high-performing teams?
  • Game Worth Playing: How can you instill accountability to company and role-specific Objectives and Key Results from the board to front-line workers?
  • Inspection & Honest Feedback: How can you design and install new behaviors in teams and individuals?
  • Unity of Intent: How can you master the inner game and external gameboards, producing value that will scale with increasing efficiency?

Gratitude as Super Power: How can you create a lightweight startup culture of high performance, thoughtful feedback, and pervasive gratitude … that customers love, trade partners emulate, and competitors envy?