How Does
It Work?

Set aside a few quiet hours
Prepare a hot or cool drink
Answer 24 questions for unpacking the gifts from the year just past and live streaming previews for your coming year
Bask in gratitude that the life you want is on the way

Free Annual Unplanner
A few questions for unpacking the gifts from 2019 and downloading previews of 2020.

Make It A Party
Make it a date and invite your friends … includes after party discussion ideas.
Frequently asked questions
What are Gratitude Games?
Gratitude.Games is a global movement that mobilizes people to learn, deepen and share gratitude as a way of life.
Should I do it alone or with partners?
You can do it alone or organize a group to join you at home, a meeting room or coffee shop). Most people find their learning accelerated in small groups who meet regularly and peer-coach each other.
How can you assist?
- Practice core gratitude protocols (Getting Started).
- Join LinkedIn Group, Gratitude Protocols.
- Invite your friends to live Gratitude Circle .
- Contact us at [email protected] with suggestions and volunteering offers. We will answer every sincere email.